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Is positive notebook good? Is it worth it for games or heavy programs?

Is positive notebook good? This doubt is quite common in the routine of many people. This is because it is not known whether it is worth it or not to buy this type of computer, if it will make us angry or if it is something more peaceful to use.

It is heavily researched due to the fact that it is one of the cheapest Brazilian brands. Not to mention that, according to the brand itself, it would be competing against alternatives such as Dell and Acer, but is that really what happens?

One of the downsides is that Positiva is a little more crowded in terms of graphics card usage, keyboards and several other factors. Therefore, you should buy this brand only if you have a lot of urgency and financial need.

In this article, the people here with my PCNET will discuss a little more about whether or not it is worth buying this type of computer. So, if you want to know more about it, just continue reading here with us because we have a complete guide to help you understand when it is worth making your purchase and when it is not.

Is positive laptop really good? Well, there are other alternatives that are more viable and that last longer.

The material that is used in the computer are so good and make it last much less. Thus, it is necessary that you are choosing another alternative if you are using or intend to use the computer every day or to transport it to more places. If you want something that has more durability, it is also indicated that you prefer another brand.

Brands like Acer and Dell can be good alternatives for those who are looking for something that has more durability, however, precisely because they have this advantage they end up being much more expensive than the others.

What is Positivo? The brand comes from Curitiba

Positivo is a totally Brazilian brand that was born during the year 1972 in the city of Curitiba, located in Paraná. In short, the brand’s initial objective was to create software that would be destined for Brazilian educational programs. However, it was not even 9 months that it had already become one of the biggest computer manufacturing brands in the entire country.

It was only in 2009 that the brand started selling motherboards and in 2014 it sold notebooks. They, whether they like it or not, are not in the market as long as their competitors are. Not to mention that, due to the lower price of their consumers, they end up having to make many cuts to be able to manufacture. Therefore, the resources touch directly on the quality, that are both on your notebook and in the service of the institution.

The institution’s initial proposal is to supply notebooks with a value of up to R$ 3 thousand. And, as a consequence, even the design is harmed as it is thicker and stiffer, not looking as modern and being more like the old ones from the last decade.

Is positive notebook good? See what the brand’s reputation is on portals like Reclame Aqui

Despite the criticism, the brand has a good reputation in protests such as the claim here due to the fact that it is among the Top thousand. That is, among the thousand companies that are registered on the portal that have the best quality of service. In short, the score given to the institution of its consumers in terms of service was around 8.3.

Around 100% of complaints were answered and it is estimated that over 75% of all customers have returned to business. The solution index is around 80%.

Having a good reputation on Reclame Aqui shows that you will have access to all the support you need in case of need. This is because some companies, after the product is sold, no longer respond to the customer and fail to provide the necessary service.

What kind of consumer is this notebook good for?

This type of notebook is not good for consumers who:

They need to work every day with the computer because of Home Office; They use heavier programs or heavier games, and that demand more processing power from your machine; They are always walking around with their notebooks or on trips.

This computer is ideal for people who use it occasionally to run things that are lighter. That way, if you’re going to be walking around with it everywhere and doing several things at the same time, you’ll be running the risk of having a problem like dismantling it inside.

So, do you have any more questions on the subject? Don’t forget to come chat with us on our Discord (you can find the link just scrolling down a little further).

There, you will be able to find people who love the world of information technology and who will adopt discussing this type of content with you! If you are in doubt whether to buy or not, join our Discord and discuss with our members. There are more than 300 people active every day.

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